Monday, June 28, 2010

Are you shitting me????

Remember; It is not my intention to embarrass you.
It is to ridicule you.

Out of the mouths of babes, I tell you. Out of the mouths of babes.

Children's conduct is not what it used to be when we were all growing up. If we were in public it was better to be seen then heard. Now the little darlings are allowed voices, cell phones and in some cases; advocates. We've rolled the role of parent back a bit where adults today are trying to be 'friends' with their kids. I find this strategy unnerving from the conduct I witness day to day; restaurant to restaurant, and store to store. Backtalk, bad manners and bad attitudes really fry my bacon and further my credo as to how this Gay man will raise his family (someday). But sometimes you just hear one little comment that sends you reeling;

The Scene: A 'family friendly' shoreline seafood restaurant.

The Players: Two families of 5, 4 parents on one side of the table aged 35-45, 6 tired, rowdy kids on the other side of the table for ten aged 3-8.

The Time: Past respectable family dinner hours, with small children, 830pm

As the action unfolds the parents are talking (bewailing, commiserating) the kids are acting up in some kind of debate. The end comment of this debate is by the most spirited of the eight year olds,

"YOU'RE a Gay-Canadian!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

This was the little crumb-snatchers final retort in the name calling fest.

And the parents were unmoved. By the political correctness of the comment. Or even the humor. There is humor in everything. "A Gay-Canadian".

I shit you not.
