Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Think It Threw?

Many times I refer to something being funny on a number of levels and I want to cultivate this to improve society. I mean that reading is fun-duh-mental; amusing, staggering, and inspired. You read something and your mouth makes a little upward twist. The text has pleased you simultaneously on the brain and in the heart. You may even re-read the text to further the experience. This is "Fun". On occasion something you (re)read may give you pause. Are the words too big? Are they arranged unusually? Is it a topic or concept that is completely strange to you and your world that it makes you want to run for the nearest shelter to regain your wa? The text has brought you to that little mindspace "Duh". Maybe as you (re)read the information you think it through and accept the information as only you can personally. Perhaps this motivates you to seek more information, change your life, brush your teeth or call your ma. Processing the data may inspire you to rewrite the dialogue or throw it away into the vacuum of nonsense that we all cultivate and so few revisit. Here the text has made you "Mental". Reading really is fun-duh-mental.

My philosophy, if I can be so base to call it that, or bass even, is that if you read something left to right, then right to left and then up and down and so on, you may find yourself in a fresh place. Opening your conciousness while processing information can only expand your appreciation and thus your tollerance. The endresult will be a society at peace, informed and amused. Go forth and try this new dance and see if you crack yoursleves up on some level or another or many. We only have time and information at our disposal surely we can leave our mark. Spread the word, literally. Sometimes points need to be made in multiple fashions to be succesful. Like hurling balls at a targetpaddle of a dunking booth at the county fair. My Point? Think it threw?


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