Saturday, July 01, 2006

Rabbit Rabbit.

Queerly, we approach the holiday of independence. The colonies have stood up and announced their freedom from oppression and tyranny. It's actually ironic that we celebrate Gay Pride the previous month and then Independence Day right on it's heels. Freedom to love meats nationalistic zeal. Gosh darn, those crazy gays are just ahead of the curve.

On this holiday weekend we welcome back Superman to american culture. The icon is proudly being bandied about on many a chest, banner, bilboard and bimbo. It's nice to have heroes to look up to in such a creatively starved, cinematic summer of disappointments. Bryan Singer's tribute to this legend has been launched with all kinds of wonderful spin, one would think that the marketing people for the film spent time in the Whitehouse trenches. The buzz began several months ago with the buzz that went around announcing Brandon Routh's publicity posters were being retouched as his tights were too so, around the south. Props to the man with the unit, but the talk started. Following this began the rumor that maybe Superman was actually gay. Can you believe this? True, when you want to revitalize a neighborhood you bring the gays in. Cafes, Boutiques and well manicure lawns are the fringe benefits that are brought with the increase of a gay population. The gay community has been leaving it's creative stink on society for generation. But now we are a discussion opener, an unrealistic social barometer. "Is he?" or "Is she?" is a great game to play at a cocktail party but must we be stylists to everything? Comic book characters, unfortunate events, and even tossed salads are commonly being referred to as "Being Gay" can't we just be left alone and new adjectives be used for a while? Buzz is created and people begin chatting. THIS IS A COMIC BOOK CHARACTER FOLKS. Move on to a new topic and congratulate the marketing people that we're all talking about this movie just on the suggestion that the man of steel..............insert your own joke here. Please, Superman is not gay, if he was he would have lost that UGLY ass costume long ago. End of tour, move on.

If anyone's a homo it's the new Batwoman. She's been dragged out of the comicbook graveyard to be re introduced as a crime fighting lesbian, socialite. The socialite is the most important nom du guerre. DC Comics announced last month that Batwoman, originally introduced in the 50's and offed in the 80's was going to make a return as an emissary for the company to reach the gay market and show us not as victims or villains. Such a concept. I love her already, I make no secret that I am especially fond of lesbians. They're more than my peeps, they fix things. And would you just look at that costume, now that's HOT.

And if anyone's a big homo................................

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