Friday, July 14, 2006

Pan, Pandemic, Pandering, Panties.

Pan is the Greek God of pastures, flocks and shepherds. he was commonly seen as having the legs of a goat and it's horns. The pagans embraced Pan's image in ceremonies. He was the perfect blend of man, nature and the divine. We all have a little Pan in us. If you doubt this, remember fawning over some crush, talk about primal feelings of nature. If you missed the pun/pan in that last sentence you need to check your pulse. It was funny on three levels. Count 'em.

Pandemics are widespread episodes usually attributed to disease. One might label the fervor behind World Cup Finals as pandemic, it spread over a large geographic area and affected a large amount of the population (coming soon; Affluenza, Affleck, Affected on this very topic) but with mostly positive aftereffects. Oh poor France, to lose by arrogance, a hard headedness. Quelle Justice. I love when something un-seismic shakes our town up. The World Cup Finals certainly did that. On all class levels, too.

Pandering is to provide gratification to one's desires. To cater to, to exploit other's weakness are other definition. Martha Stewart has perfected pandering. PS her subscriptions are up since last year's release from Bedford and revenue 40%. Someone needs to get on the ouiji board and tell Ken Lay. Now this is pandering twice over. PT Barnum turned out to be my perfect dead soulmate on an online quiz. He set the standard on Pandering and I think that we can all take a lesson in that; know your assets, your liabilities and what sells to who. The motto in a successful breakfast operation is to grab 'em by their eggs, and they'll beg you for juice. Inspirational? Well, yeah I guess I meant that too.

Panties are found as undergarments. They usually cover the lower trunk and have a closed crotch. If you have read all of this and sit back I think you'll get todays lesson. Grazi mile, Signore Gattuso. I love it when a pan comes together. (the humor, my ribs...........)



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