Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Rabbit, rabbit.

Rabbit rabbit. May your coming month surpass the past and may the lessons we've learned, last.
I love the reflection that Novemer always provides; where we've been and where we're going. The end of the year looms high and you can't escape the reality that 06 will be history shortly. After thanksgiving, xmas, ny's, channukah, and midterm elections.

I'll call it an early holiday gift, Mark Foley deciding to stay in rehab for a bit longer. I guess he's trying to find someone else to blame his insane lack of judgement on. Perhaps he's beating a dead horse by going after the Roman Catholic Church, retired priests in Italy, the media, and of course Pierre Smirnoff. Maybe as a pennance and community service he could open a summer camp for boys in need of supervision. Supervision/Gaydar whichever works. Stay away Mr Foley you are toxic to our community and you could stand a sit-up or two.

Speaking of sitting up and noticing, did anyone else notice that ABC will permit disruptive workplaces, violence, and homophobia? The Slur Heard Round The World still hasn't removed Isaiah Washington from his role on the network's gem 'Gray's Anatomy' but has drawn all kinds of attention to the show's cast. So much attention that castmember TR Knight was motivated to come out as an openly gay man. The actor plays 'George' on the drama and was the butt of the slur that hot-tempered Washington threw at fellow castmate Patrick Dempsey. Coming out (in People Magazine, what's up with that?) Knight reminded the public that the fact that he's gay "hopefully isn't the only thing that's interesting about me." That's pretty classy, and motivating. Washington issued a lackluster apology through some beleagured publicist and refused to comment on his history of on-set bad behavior throughout his career. Here's a thought, replace him with one of those stunning guys from 'Noah's Arc on the gay cable network, LOGO. The irony and the ecstasty. So remember when you bring your god given talents to work for ABC that you must accept homophobia as regular behavior and don't consider dropping one racial slur, EVER.

And if your god given talents include massage, men and meth then maybe you too could consider an active career in the Evangelical Ministry. Godspeed never sounded more true! I love how people's hypocrisy is falling around them faster than New England foliage this time of the year! And to see this Reverend Ted Haggard, outspoken adversary to GLBT community, lie with man, to man and from man is pure entertainment. Bush's base is pretty base when they come up to the light of day. The slime that is arising in this election is better than anything that's on network television, accept whatever intollerance is being peddled over at ABC. As the republicans hold their breath for the next few days, we can only hope they inhaled.

Waiting to exhale was NPHarris' publicist this week. Starting the week with his hot property as being 'straight' to coming out by the weekend. I'm pretty proud that Mr Knight and Mr. Harris had the sense to come forward to and be visible, it's the only way that we are going to make it as a community. We need to be seen, analyzed and respected for there to be understanding. We can see what fear will drive people to; Closets, Pierre Smirnoff, Meth, and male-escorts masquerading as massage therapists. In the light of day, we look pretty good, and with role models (or models in roles) we look fantastic.



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