Sunday, October 01, 2006

Rabbit, Rabbit. Hello October.

The first of the month has come again and let's welcome it in. With a resounding "Rabbit, rabbit" we'll bring some real good luck our way. This post at the beginning of the month is a resounding celeberation of all that's witty, pretty and gay.

This past month made us look for heroes. We found some on NBC (pun intended). We looked in the tabloids, and properly lined the puppy's pen with them. We had many celebrities in the news announcing their scheduled/sexual orientation. Some were floundering and some will still flounder. Where are the role models? Where are the foundations created and the causes rallied? Is coming out just a right of passage or a creditline increase? Have our newbies (newly out) exhausted stripmining the straight culture that they come home as prodigal children to kiss gay families, cut rainbow ribbons and do victory laps at Pride? Excuse me if I continue to bake cookies for those in need.

Out of darkness came the former governor of New Jersey, and we're so happy for his new life and booktour. Shame he didnt have the cojones to show up to Letterman, did he leave them in the turnpike reststop? I feel for anyone that has to suffer the suffocation of the closet for whatever reason, but if you want to launch some sort of Rainbow Tour (pun intended) please dont expect sainthood after your polictical ambitions were foiled behind an abandoned synagogue. You made your heterosexual bed and (got) laid in it, your role model status will have to come with some 'community' service. Sorry, too many other callers.

Lance Bass. Down. Out. And Proud. He should be, coming out is hard work. It's amazing how one weekend you're dancing at the A-House in P-Town with your shirt off and by monday morning the rumors have already made it to LA. Get your pretties shirt on and face the media. Boom, you're out, call a publicist and your Out. Now what? Again, your role model status will have to come with some'community service. Sorry, too many other callers.

Speaking of too many callers. This one we could have seen coming, or maybe she could have. We dont want the straight world to think that all gay celebrities are tax evaders, we wouldnt want to take away from your preferred impression of us as pedofiles. It's just a coincidence that Richard Hatch and Miss Cleo have this is in their past, nothing more. Welcome Miss Cleo, our ranks include Alexander the Great, Michelangelo, Sappho, and Ellen, can you use your talents to fill in some of the gaps in our history? October is GLBT history month by the bi. Our little charm bracelet of gay icons goes funky.

One role model this month for all to view. Thomas Roberts, midday news anchor for CNN came out this month at a journalist's convention. Roberts also acknowledged the support of his partner in bringing him to this decision. Consequently, CNN has reassigned Roberts to a new project. Could there be any other CNN newscaster that would feel threatened by an out reporter on the rooster/roster? This reassignment spun me 360, I loved the midday with Kathleen Kennedy and Thomas Roberts! They were nice on the eyes, their delivery was comfortable and never moody. The gay thing? Gravy.

Rabbit, rabbit.



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