Sunday, September 10, 2006

US Open pX, dX.

Believe it or not, it's ten days later, ten pounds lighter and one spiffy new intestinal tract. Can you believe it, I'm over caffeine, nicotine and ready for wine and steak. There must be compromise. I'm planning on putting some of the weight back on smartly, low fat, low carb and high protein. With lots of fruit and vegetables. But I'm very pleased with the cleanse.

I'll be glad to leave the juicing process, such a mess to contend with. The seeds, the juicer, the time involved. The carrying around of my nutrients in a jug transforms an adult male into a bottle toting toddler. Maybe that wasn't as great a jump as I've led you to believe. Joe will be glad for me to leave the cleanse process as my smell has been one of a detoxer. It's an almost chemical smell, with a slight funk. I almost smell like a pack of dried shitaake mushrooms, celophane and staples included. It's bizzarre. I catch it on myself to and try to mask it by brushing my tongue, bathing and liberally applying deoderant. You heard me.

With the cleanse over, now comes the rehab process. This involves getting let back into the Eating Community slowly. Tommorrow is juice day, and tuesday too. Wednesday is raw day; veggies and fruit. I leave the land of detox with a salad and simple broth to commence eating normally on thursday. Will there be blog? You betcha. Will there be Pellegrino? You betcha. Is there a filet in the future? You betcha, and probably even a foto or two.



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