Wednesday, September 13, 2006

US Open post mortem, pre Morten's.

I wasn't sure what I would miss most, food, hooch, or smokes. It was definately the chewing thing. I could see it, I could smell it, it's inescapable in our culture. We are consumers, and we're called that for a reason. Everywhere we turn are little teasers to remind you that you must ingest to survive and how much more comfortable we'll be with the advertisers' products in us. My rotating list of what I would ingest first kept fluctuating as the media would manipulate me. One day it would be pasta, the next day steak, the next day an ice cold martini. But what would be the nicest to my squeeky clean system?

Well seeing as it is my first day back to normal eating after my Master Cleanse I need to set the pattern of how I'm going to preserve my pristine digestive tract. Yesterday was my all raw day with fruits, veggies and I snuck some miso broth into my body. You dont know how good my white peach was at lunch time. Oh. my. god. For dinner, a sweet potato and one of the most beautiful heirloom tomatoes you ever put your eyes on, it was so deep red it was almost black. I'm jazzed to be down eleven pounds, and am feeling a bit puny, I'm planning on putting on five pounds smart with lean muscle. I'm also going start with some oatmeal, doing the thirty day thing with oatmeal in the am; heartsmart. Probably lots of chicken. I'm looking at the big 10; lean protein, legumes, whole grains, olive oil, salmon, veggies, citrus fruit, berries, nuts and seeds, and tea. Powerfoods with antioxidants so I can live and blog forever.

My recommendations for those doing the Master Cleanse:

1. Start on the weekend. It's much easier to be miserable for the first couple days when you can limit social contact.
2. Hydration, hydration, hydration. The lemonade will give you all you need nutritionaly, but you need to supplement with flushing the body with the H20 in tandem.
3. Get a juicer. Doing this by hand? Are you crazy? I dont have time for this.
4. Learn to like cayenne. It's important, mucus needs to be broken down.
5. Get plenty of rest, don't push your immune system, it's the only one you got.
6. The laxative tea is key in the night.
7. The seasalt water flush is key in the morning.
8. Brush your tongue. When your tongue is clean and pink, it's the time to break the diet. Otherwise it's gonna be a murky mess while you detox.
9. Break the diet in stages as recommended, don't bring yourself this far and crash and burn by pushing your system with that piece of pizza "you deserve". Go juice. Go raw. Eat smart.
10. Enjoy the journey, as well as the results. The clarity you receive is amazing and your skin will look fantastic. If you're going to deny yourself someting fun, at least take joy elsewhere. Remember if you cant' love the one you want, love the one your with.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to decide which steak to have for lunch. It's all I really wanted.



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