Sunday, November 04, 2007

Ads, DD, and ADD.

I took the plunge and put my name back into circulation for background work. It's ugly and degrading and really makes one want to beat-up homeless children. October was lean for finances necessitating my need to get creative in my fundraising. Since I can't dig up the backyard and throw a humdinger of a pigroast, I concocted the plan that extra work will help me out, and maybe I'll sign up for one of those UCLA studies that pay you to sleep plugged into odd devices that measure your snoring or brainwaves (they're interchangeable on me on sundays). I was bitching about the economy with friend Drew when he relayed the story of a friend who was making extra skrilla on the internet without the aid of webcam. His blog was blinging with advertisements. He was getting a monthly check from Google. Oh, yeah, I need me some of that. We figured that if it works, why not try it out on Spatagram, seeing as Spatagram is trying enough. This tome is frequented by the freaky, read by the red and enjoyed by the coy and they all deserve the opportunity to be sold to. Prostitution and I go way back (prostitution itself goes way back on it's own) so peruse, cruise and buy.

I get very lazy on Sundays and all I really want to do is watch my Netflix. Today I have a giant pot of meat sauce on the stove that is perfuming the apartment as well as the courtyard. I was able to stave myself off the meatballs and they are now safely simmering in the pot. Sauce really isn't labor intensive as it is a labor of love. I couldn't commit to my movies as I would be cooking. Frequently stirring was taking me away from my newspaper/magazines/book. But it's completely necessary as well as worth it. I like a little background noise when I read, it's like a little perk. Today I had the tv on The Food Channel, my latest relationship. I can watch all of their programming consecutively as easily as I could a Law & Order marathon. I had to do something different today since I could see evidence of a rut coming onto my psyche. I turned the tv to Daredevil (DD)with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner. This movie really was pretty good to watch because I always have new questions when I watch it. "Where was the director when Colin Farrell was going amok?" "Why were the last few scenes necessary?" "How did this movie get this long?" "Where was the director?" John Favreau made laugh from beginning to end, he doesn't get enough work. I really do enjoy the fight sequences and watching Jennifer Garner move, she really kicks some ass. I'm working up the nerve to see the spin-off Elektra, just for those reasons. I heard it was worse than DD.

My ADD has been flying out.................what was I saying? (Love that joke) Crazy today, how it's taken my three tries to clean the kitchen, pick up the flat, make the bed, sign on to AdSense and right my todo list for the week. If there was an aerial camera I think you would have enjoyed watching me look for who moved my cheese. Time to stir the sauce, I can smell that it needs it.

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