Thursday, November 01, 2007

Rabbit, rabbit.

Oh, no................November. So fast, so short, so festive and seasonal. If one didn't know better it would be confused with the jockey that won the last Kentucky Derby. Yuk Yuk Yuk. Rabbit, rabbit let's start up a lucky end to the year.

Wasn't October fun? I don't remember a whit, as it blew by fast as can be. It needs to be said that October is important for being Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgendered History month. The month is half over by the time you say all of that. Our history is a ripe one, much like a tomato on the vine early in the month, plump and sun ripened, fighting the cold evenings. We conquered nations, painted frescos and arranged flowers; all done with aplomb. We are to be commended and encouraged to keep climbing until we have the equal rights alotted our straight brothers and sisters as well as the ability to love freely. I love seeing same sex couples holding hands out and about. To me that is the revolution and the reward. Granted, I live in an informed metropolitan area, where there is a greater frequency for seeing these events. I pray that we'll eventually secede from the union.

I actually pray that most of the coastal states that touch the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans would form a new America, America Adjacent. North America, South America, and America Adjacent would be these stunning little countries with parenthesis around the ignorance that re elected this presidential mo mo. Being the coastal support to neighboring nations would only secure our fiscal place in the global economy and even further our society. It would be a little bit of a squeeze play, but the thrill of no longer being attached to states that can't still seperate church and state would be worth it. America Adjacent would be unique being the first country to be split in half by three thousand miles. Geographically it would be very attractive on a map and easy to find for challenged students and football players. Partisanship would no longer exist as every senator and congressman would have to bargin more to get necessities for their states. Ideally our borders would be strictly enforced and our coasts preserved. Ideally citizenship for America Adjacent would require a series of test proving aptitude, expemplary citizenship, attitude and commitment to furthering the success of the nation. Oh and spelling and penmanship would count fifteen percent. All of the old holidays would be done away with, Presidents Day, Executive Assisstants Day, Columbus Day, MLK Day. New ones would be created to celebrate diversity and they would be two days together, one to recover. Geographically, fiscally and culturally America Adjacent would be superior and lead the continent by example. I like it.

Halloween came and went much like October itself; furiously. The WeHo crowd had a record turn out for the annual Halloween Carnival with stunning weather too. Sadly I did not attend, as work is the priority right now. We are made to dress in costume in celebration of the holiday, ironically one of our slowest evenings for business. One of the most successful costumes in years past was a managers spin as Robert Goulet. With the blazer replete with suede patches, dark sweater, shades and the real Gidget on his arm 'Goulet' made the rounds that evening belting out instructions in a hearty baritone and spilling his martini on guests. It was very successful. Sadly, the real Mr Goulet passed away two days prior to Halloween. He was awaiting a lung transplant here in Los Angeles. Mr Goulet is one of those post-Rat Pack icons who left an indullable mark on American Culture as a performer. With a career that spanned 43 years Goulet will be remembered for a powerful voice and larger than life sense of showmanship. I saw him several years ago in Hartford, CT touring the nation as Arthur in 'Camelot'. When he sang time stopped. It was an amazing moment for me to witness as an artist and fan.

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