Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Please Please, No Applause, Just Money.

Thanks for that awesome intro Tony.  Ahhhhh Blogger. We meet again.  I haven't seen you since I gave you the finger and went to Wordpress.  I see you haven't changed much.  Still irritating and difficult to use.  For me anyway.  I have been trying to upload pictures and it is still a huge pain in the ashtabula.
Who cares, right?
Most of you have no idea who I am, and that's cool.  Spats and I go way back to the way back.  Back when God was boy and Tony still wore acid washed jeans, and I wore denim shorts with black tights. (hmmm...I wonder if I could bring those back?) I love him to death and when he asked me to guest blog I didn't even hesitate.  Course that was the day before I found out my most awesome cat is going to die from liver cancer and I am out in the middle of bumf***k Michigan and have no way of ever seeing him again.  I didn't even write my own blog this week.  I just put up a note that said pretty much what I just said.
But Tony is Tony
and I promised him.  
Besides, Mr Man (my cat) would want me to keep my word to my friends, rieeeght???

No, you're right.  Mr Man doesn't give a crap, BUT I do so here we go.

I am going to let loose a little because none of you know me and I can.  Oh I feel so free!!!  Most of the time I have to sensor myself because of working in "The Biz".  If I say Kate is a huge biatch, that could come back to haunt me.  Recently, I had written something very nice about a replacement who did a great job going on as one of the characters because one of the regular actors was very sick, and some jackass manipulated it to really trash the sick actor and posted it on BroadwayWorld.com.   So that sucked and now my blog isn't public anymore.
Amazing, dontcha think?  For the two seconds that nimrod felt like Ryan Seacrest (Seacrest Out!) they ruined a really awesome blog.  People.

There are tons of stories I could tell of the olden days with Spats, but I am not sure which ones are allowed to be public yet and which ones I have to save for my memoirs when I am wicked old, so I can't really talk about that. I was going to post some HORRIFYING pictures of Tony but then I realized they were also horrifying pictures of me too, so that's no good.
So What's a girl to do?

Tony sent me this picture the other day and I thought I would share it.  What is that gorgeous woman doing with that SPAWN!!!  No doubt they are tearing it up and having a ball in Italia while I sit here in....in...where the hell am I anyway.  Oh right.  Michigan. woo woo.

I would write more but I have to go put my hand up the puppets' asses.



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