Saturday, October 31, 2009

L.A. L.A. Land at it's finest.

You can't help but swing a broom to find a reveller in this town gussied up for the holiday of Halloween. It's a sight to behold. Lawns are done up in scare-scapes, people gas up their cars in costume. The thrift stores are doing a crazy business and gypsy Halloween stores have popped up in abandoned store fronts. This is social commentary on many levels. The City of Dreams, What's yours? has proven that it's definitely style over substance that counts on the 31st of October. The sun is going down as I type and I can feel the curtain start to rise. Sequins are flying, make-up is being reapplied, and taffeta is flowing. The costumes should be perfect, as there is an invisible competition all around that's palpable. It's the time to don the mask and let it out. It's the time to dance with the freaks and geeks. It's the only day of the year that hearing 'Boo' won't traumatize a person. Los Angeles loves it's Halloween like a prodigal child, when it comes home it gets a fresh robe and a place at the table. No harm or foul as to what took it away, it's here, be queer, get used to it.

I'm off to dance with The Tribe tonight. Let you know how this goes.

xoxo Gossip Girl.

(see my online Halloween Costume??)
(and last years Western Exterminator guy)



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