Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I embrace certain things for aesthetics; colors, textures, musics, herbs, drugs, vegetables. This spring I took on the colors brown and pink. I loved them around and on me. I would take time to actually observe them when I found them out in the world. If they were in a display or in a magazine I used to love to watch them play together. The sort of fed each other's hue and made me very happy. I was also reminded of a dessert Gramma Spats made once with pink pudding in a chocolate pudding cake; zucco da bomba. When I take on these sensory fan clubs is not organized, they find me.

I was preparing some beautiful squash this summer when I came back to oregano. I used to grow it back in CT and loved the savory spike it made in everything. Salads, dressings, sauces all were brought 'up' in a way with it's addition. I loved that it was a perennial (grows back every year) and made a nice border in the garden. I thru into most of my cooking this year in dried and fresh form. I had it in my grow window, and on the patio. I loved the smell and texture of the fresh, equally.

This fall I fell upon Vicodin. A pain reliever, and when taken with red wine, a trip. Two with a glass of red wine was a quilt of bliss, rendering you complete and comfy. The drug and the wine move thru you like a massage therapy on your soul. Never drive on this concoction, only recreational pharmacate when safe and couch bound. Magazines with pretty pictures enhance the experience as do movies. Four Vicodin and a bottle of red wine is not good, trust me. Keep moderation Mod.

I left Vicodin for Spaghetti Squash. I love the idea of harvest time in the autumn and squash season. Butternut Squash Bisque, baked patty pan squash with parmesan and breadcrumbs, and roasted acorn squash with molasses and brown suqar all remind me of the fall and make my taste buds very happy. A friend back in the day (Tony's 20's, remind me to blog about them sometime) taught me how to lunch, and how to entertain. At one afternoon class, she made me spaghetti squash and taught me it's preparation.
Slice the yellow football shaped veggie in half, lengthwise. With a spoon, remove the seeds and the seeds fibers. Rub with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place into a 350 degree oven, hollowed side down, for 45 minutes. Remove and let cool enough to handle. Fork the flesh of the baked squash and release the fibers of the squash which will fall away from the skin resembling spaghetti. Once all the 'pasta' is removed adjust seasonings and serve. I'm very partial to parmesan and a little oregano (of course). The spaghetti squash is amazing as a side dish and even makes a satisfying main dish. I'm averaging one squash every ten days. It's affordable and so yummy.

So there's no telling what I'll rally behind next, I'm constantly auditioning life as I do for it. Give and take is the only way to get anywhere in life I guess. These litte experiment/obsessions find me and install me as president of their fan club. I've really enjoyed these periods as they give me a porthole to bring back the times that I had surrounding them. Those days come right back with the aid of sound, touch, taste and smell. It's a nice scrapbook. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go eat the leftovers from last nites squash. So tasty.


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