Sunday, November 01, 2009

Monkey Monkey.

Monkey Monkey, make your wishes and fill the net with fishes. It's November and it's time to wrap the year up with a nice pretty bow. 'Function in Disaster; Finish in Style. I hope blessings abound for all. And as we look forward, let's look back........

Feliz Dia De Los Muertos.... The Latino holiday to remember those passed. It's an odd little tradition but kind of humorous in how they go about it. It coincides with the catholic 'All Soul's Day' as a time to communicate with those that have died, being the divide between the two realms smallest. Dating back to the Aztec calendar, the ceremonies usually involve ofrendas; offerings to the departed. Whether it be in an altar with their favorite sweets, tequilas or flowers, or involving parades and parties, food and dance. Usually a trip to the cemetery to visit the interred marks the day. They mark the fact that Death is inevitable, why not make it hospitable? Allow a time to visit the passed in the present. It's sentimental and practical. There is even a familiarity in the art that depicts the celebrations as quirky or even fun. The solemnity of the tone is not to be missed, the Latinos are fervent that they remember those before them, but really......any excuse for a party is alright by them.

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