Friday, December 01, 2006

Rabbit, Rabbit.

Rabbit, rabbit. If you missed Spatagram's favorite incantation to start your month with a bevy of luck, don't fret. Your next opportunity will be when you start your new year of 007. A brand new year, brand new bounty of luck. No pressure, just do it. Sevens are good.

It's World Aids Day, let's not forget that we have beaten this yet and we've lost 25 million people to this hiddeous thing since 1981. Africa currently has 12 million Aids orphans. The numbers continue to rise especially in intravenous drug users, with prostitutes and then gay men following. People believe that they can live longer with the new drug therapies. It's not manageable, it's a plague.

Holidaze always puts a smile on my face. I dont buy into the whole holiday stress anymore, I groove too much on the looks on peoples faces as they get lost in it. Standing back in a crowd lets the theatre of maul/mall open and provides me with a front row seat. If you close your eyes you can smell the desperation over the cinammon. Open your eyes and you' ve been transported into an antfarm ensconced in red velvet and crystal appointments. I would imagine the roots of this being in the Inquisition. Dangling daggers over the heads of penitent pleebs, choir music, and candlelight, yeah definately the Inquisition. I love the imagery. Shop early, shop often. We're all looking for something.

Usually in my Rabbit, Rabbit I make mention of something cool in the world of gay entertainment. The increased visibility of our community this year was gratifying though on the battleground for equal rights we suffered. In the past elections, seven states passed discriminatory ammendments not recognizing our marriage unions. This flies in the face of those encouraging our unions; MA, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, South Africa. If the world can arrive at the conclusion that these unions aren't the end of civilization before us, how far backwards are we falling? Even MA for Mitt's sake, has approved marriage. While we were out there this year, we were taking our lumps.

Sadly Congressman Gerry Studds, the original man about the congressional pages, passed away this fall. I'm only glib about this because the man's scandal was a consentual affair, and his record speaks for himself. His constituents thought enough of this man to elect him four terms. His passing leaves a partner of nearly twenty something years, with whom he shared a life with. They married in O5 when Massachusetts passed their gay marriage bill. This partner is not entitled to the congressional pension to which Studds contributed all his life and that any other heterosexual partner would naturally receive. Now that's cold.



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