Wednesday, March 07, 2007

"Hit 'em with a purse. Theirs."

Everyone knows that hate mongering is really a hot item lately and some people are maligning the english language as well as people's countenance. Case in point, Isaiah 'Faggot' Washington still kept his job after on-set scrap with Patrick Dempsey leading to outing co-star TR Knight, but went to rehab. The man has anger subscriptions, not issues. In the lucrative contract re-negotiations currently happening in the Gray's Anatomy family, Isaiah wasn't given a seat at the table. Isn't that nice, ABC is finally punishing Washington. His homophobia will cost him millions.

Ann 'Faggot' Coulter thought herself a card in addressing the Conservative's largest organization when calling Democratic Presidential hopeful John Edwards a faggot. This caused many of her peers and Republican Presidential hopefuls to distance themselves from this cokewhore. Many of her sponsors have begun to pull advertising on her website in response. I wonder why they could have been there in the first place but I tend to be niave.

The nicest purse slapping that is happening to Ann won't make it to the mainstream media. Ann's kept company with a conservative pundit making the rounds as a put-upon Columbia student and veteran. Truth be known he's a former gay porn star with impressive credentials.

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