Thursday, March 01, 2007

Rabbit, rabbit.

Hope springs eterenal and Spring eternally hopes. Can you imagine such a mild winter ending so fast? Truth inconvenienced most states for only two weeks or so. This is such a far cry from 'when we were kids'. In the closing of this season we bring luck to the month ahead with the cry of 'rabbit rabbit', that wonderful incantation first uttered on the first day of the month. And here at Spatagram, we look back on the wonders of the month prior.

February always zips by. It's like a wormhole to spring. That damn groundhog lights the match and before we know it the short month is gone. I like spring in the same way that I enjoy March, they are both nouns and verbs. Alot like pork they have various settings where they are appropriate and not. I would never march right in and spring this on you but I know that spring is in march. I used to live in a little cottage near the ocean and every year I would plant daffodils on the front lawn so they would let everyone know the snow was done. And seeing as they naturalize, or spread, every year my proclamation would get louder. Spring forth and run into this next year.

Former NBA player John Amaechi sprung the news of him being a retired gay ballplayer on the nation this past month, making him the first of the sport to do so. Amaechi, 36 has done more in his life and seen more places in the world than all of the midwest and most of the red states of the Americas. His superiority lies in his mother being british and his schooling being european. Maybe his superiority just lies in his being a very tall, published, out gay male. The purpose of the preceeding generalizations are to parallel those made by his 'colleague' Tim Hardaway in response to Amaechi's coming out.

"You know, I hate gay people, so I let it be known," Hardaway said. "I don't
like gay people and I don't like to be around gay people. I am homophobic. I
don't like it. It shouldn't be in the world or in the United States."
If ignorance is bliss then the locker room is Eden.

Financial guru and all around personality Suze Orman came out as well. Is anyone suprised? My favorite line from the internet is "...analyst and personality Suze Orman has come uot. And in her own inimitable style has announced she is a lesban." These little things in life and words make me smile. I love the fact that every month we add more faces to the community that our youth can look up to. As role models Orman and Amaechi are accomplished and they're just plain tall. (Look up to. Role model. Tall. I slay me)

On a fantastic note, comicbook supergroup The Fantastic Four return to the movie theatres in june following their lackluster debut in 05. "Fantastic Four 2: Rise Of The Silver Surfer" kicks off the summer movie blitz and this looks like it might redeem itself.

On another fantastic note, country singer Kenny Chesney spoke out on the rumors that he is gay. His ill-fated marriage to Academy Award winner Renee Zellweger ended in divorce with the actress filing to annul the marriage on the grounds of 'fraud'. Subsequently, there has been speculation to his sexuality prompting him to go the route of Clay Aiken and stand on the mountain top proclaiming his hetero es mas macho. Of course the top he chose was Anderson Cooper and CNN. Now that's funny on three levels (you know). As the sayings go, "where there's smoke there's flamer." "If it walks like a duck, and lisps like a duck, chances are...". He is one fine looking dude, we would be fortunate to have him in our fold. He'd look good in the front row of the class photo @ HQ. But his self-loathing has brought him to a recent photo shoot with a supermodel as damage control. This always lends credibility. Remember back in the day when Dan Quayle was beefing up his image with the troops and was handling that rocketlauncher? Backwards? It's the same school of thought, that a picture is worth a thousand words, I mean it worked for Ryan Seacrest with Teri Hatcher.

And speaking of shitting you, American Airlines announced today that customers in coach class will be allowed to use the restrooms in first class. Yes, you can make all kinds of 'head of the class' jokes if you wish, I'm not properly caffeinated to do all the puns for you. No word on what the mile high club has to say on this. Divide up into discussion groups and make the jokes up, prizes will be awarded for originality and color. Rabbit, rabbit.

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