Friday, November 09, 2007

Yankee Key West.

I hail from a sleepy little fishing village on the CT shore. I took up residence there while in college, I was haunting the area restaurants as a waiter/bartender/jackass and had the pleasure of meeting of life's elite denizens. One eccentric was Stan. Stan was a stockbroker in NYC until he had a breakdown and lost his mind. He didn't lose his fortune as his family stepped in and organized a trust for him. Stan's had no regard for social grace, and no use for the constraints of fashion. He would spend his days mowing lawns (at 55) in cut off jeans, a lavender bandana, cowboy boots and a fez. He wouldn't turn the mower off in between gigs, he would just walk it down main street to the next gig. Yep, we had lots of color in Yankee Key West. Here's Stan in the Hump De Bump, at a fab watering hole called Bill's.

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At 7:40 AM , Blogger GirlFran said...

ok wait. I have questions. Do you actually know that guy or did you find that on you tube and make up a fantastic story? Also, do you know the disco couple in the other video? Who is on the motorcycle? i expect answers!

At 1:24 AM , Blogger TSpats said...

I actually know that guy and have more amazing stories on him. The other videos don't apply to this one. But I'll happily research for you.

At 10:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a picture of the Senator w/Stan at Bills that I need too send you.....

At 10:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont know if I have a legit email for you homey! How was your vacation? Justin was here on Friday & we had some good memories of you & craziness at W'edge!


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