Tuesday, December 11, 2007

December 11, auspicious day to dream.

My Buddy Jeb sent this to me, and spatagram being my bow, I decided to ricochet it into my web of informants and thieves. Do with it what you will, I for one will dream big and clear all day long.

Auspicious Day!!!!! If you could be, have, and live in a world of your making what would it be...... think about that on Tuesday! ... light candles, do rituals, buy lotto tickets, envision yourself and your loved ones and the entire world in a better place.... the perfect place in your imagination and intuition.... what would the modern day "Garden of Eden" be like....... We can have it, in the near future if we use this day to petition and to ask Jupiter and Pluto. We will be heard on Tue Dec.11th. Their powerful energies working together that day will be without limits so make sure to be positive that day as they WILL grant out wishes whatever they may be.The last major aspect of 2007 is a dramatic one: Jupiter's one-time conjunction with Pluto on December 11 at 28° 24' Sagittarius. (See chart) (As I mentioned above, this is the degree of Pluto's retrograde station of March 31.) Zeus, the king of the gods, was all-powerful and all-knowing. In the ancient world, one of his many roles was to bear witness and be the keeper of oaths and promises; if he were present, oaths were bound to be kept. Also, Zeus was often kindly disposed to humanity and offered forgiveness and pardon to mankind. Just before changing sign, Pluto has been waiting for Jupiter to catch up in zodiacal longitude. Now, at their conjunction, they work in consort in these final degrees of Sagittarius. We've had time to take a correct stance and be poised in body and mind before shooting this arrow toward our highest and furthest aspirations. The arrow will fly, and aided by Jupiter's capacity to pardon and forgive, a truly magnificent promise for the future may be evoked. This time is excellent for putting our dreams and visions out without limitations, dream BIG don't hold back it's not a time to be discouraged!....even if your path seems too difficult or is darkened, push that aside and....Pray for your broadest, biggest, most expansive visions of the future. Have deep faith to collectively create the world you want to see, the world that you want! Zeus (Jupiter) is sympathetic to human prayers especially in 2007 peaking during this December 11 aspect... a truly magnificent promise for the future may be evoked this year. Love you


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