Monday, November 26, 2007

Still Crazy.

Maybe it's the ash in the air, or the permanent smell of barbecue, but people are suprisingly odd today even for angelenos. While the shopping buzz continues, people make their way in and out of stores as if in a strange fog. And this is even in the Valley, removed from the acutal destruction in Malibu. I guess everyone's feeling the pain for people losing their houses and their homes. Senses are more acute this time of year with holidays that value family and time together. It's really strange as less people cut you off on the freeways and there is patience at the intersections. People even said, "Excuse me" in the market today. Crazy.

I love the market. It's where I really relax. The temperature is nice, you can occasionally take in a misting over the cabbages. In august, nothing is better in the San Fernando Valley, than stepping into the Haagen Daaz display at your local Ralph's. It's also my favorite place to spot Crazys and stalk them. It's all about what you can bring to your character in acting and I do alot of advance shopping with the other sociopaths at the grocery store. People are pretty vulnerable then, easily distracted and prone to suggestion. You can tell alot about people the way the manuver their cart or squeeze the Charmin. Incidentally, veteran commercial actor Dick Wilson passed away last monday at 91. He earned his place in americana as the hyper, and antsy grocer begging people not to squeeze the toilet paper, a role he played for 21 years. His other roles included spots on "McHale's Navy" and "Bewitched". Crazy.

And crazy is as crazy does. J sent me this delightful little pix of my heroines, Sarah Jessica Parker and Madame. I love these puppets for their fashion and humor. I hear they are both back to work, one on tour and one onset. Can't keep an old gal down I guess (without ductape)



At 8:38 PM , Blogger n/a said...

I absolutely love the grocery store too! I go to Whole Foods and they rob me blind but I don't care because going there makes me happy.


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