Thursday, December 06, 2007

Buffalo; a club, a mozzarella, and a chip.

What defines you as a success in Los Angeles? Is it a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame? Is it a personalized perfume line at Macy's? Is it the number of MySpace friends you have or where you take yoga. I'll tell you what true success is in Hollywood, it's working at a restaurant and your tip percentage. This is what you average as a standard gratuity from your clientele. A young man just went off the charts with a 4 million percent gratuity.

Buffalo chips meet amazing tips in Santa Monica on Monday. Donald "Stir it up" Trump went to the Buffalo Club to dine where he struck up this deal;

"What's the biggest tip you ever got?"

"Jerry Bruckheimer comes in a lot. He tipped me $500 on a $1000 check
Trump nodded his head."You're very good at your job." "Thanks." Trump
and the
other guy got up to leave, said thanks again and left. I went back
to the table
to grab the check but didn't have time to look at it until
later. When I did, I
couldn't believe what I saw. Honestly, at first I
thought he had tipped me
$1000. But when I looked a second (and twentieth)
time, it was actually $10,000.
I was speechless."

I'm sure it was meant in the spirit of the season with Good Will to all, I was just hoping he'd have been in Malibu, we're no longer on fire y'know.

Oh, wait it's a pissing contest, now I understand the need for the camera crew.


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