Thursday, February 07, 2008

Lemonade Diet.

Day One,

I've done this cleanse twice now and the third time feels like old hat. Until your actually squeezing the lemons and smelling the maple syrup. It's like hearing a series of songs that take you back to a special time in your past. I said it's like that, but not necessarily pleasant. I dug out all the old information and recipes. I dug out the big carry along jug. I cheered on my disciples departing our wicked ways together. It was as it had been in the past. And then I took my first sip.

It really became a scene from Jekyll and Hyde. I shook and swore as the Lemonade went down. I felt my body convulse from some sort of sense memory that triggered an alarm, "Don't do this! We'll be good! We just got your body broken in again like a soft leather couch." I swore and glazed over. Prayer is the new cigarette for the lemonade is then new black.



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