Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Sheena Metal Experience...

So I'm on the radio, right.....no, really. Yep my fave DJ and client Sheena Metal thought I had just the face for LA Talk Radio that she invited me on as a guest. This was a month ago. Since then she has been buried in requests to get that sparkling personality back on the air. What is this? Flattery? Oooh la la LA, I'm touched. Really I am touched but that's another matter to discuss.

We broached the subject of waitering and the perils of the LA diner's attitude. One caller put us in league with the French. I wouldn't go so far, but I do think some people make it close. We went further into the topic and found women to be heartily more callous in dining out manners then men. Maybe it's the high heels, maybe it's the appletinis, maybe it's just that they can bear life and we cant. Whatever the reason the talk was special. I went on to defend my noble profession (one of my noble professions) and was able to reach out into the void and find hope and understanding. Plus an hour on the air with Sheena's a great way to spend happy hour.

Today we get into plastic surgery and what it means to us. Cutting conversation, don't you think? Tune in and listen today, at 6 pm Pacific time. The Sheena Metal Experience, now with more Spats.

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At 12:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an awesome blog, Tony! You are truly a gifted radio personality and it's so much for me (and my listeners) to have you on the show. I laughed, I cried, I soiled my big girl adult diaper. Look for more Tony Spats on The Sheena Metal Experience in the coming weeks! YOU rock!


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