Friday, February 22, 2008

A Return to food, part two.

With the Master Cleanse behind me, I'm eligble for fresh juice and raw vegetable. Yeah, that's exactly what I want. I've been dreaming of pizza since the beginning of the cleanse and want one for breakfast on saturday. Or maybe sushi. Or maybe angel hair.

Seeing as I've lost 13 pounds, I know that it's a tad extreme, I anticipate putting back on five, but want to do it lean. So I'm exercising, get ready for this.................................Moderation. I'm experimenting with this little Way Of Life in my diet for now and we'll see if we'll cross-utilize it. Chicken breasts, seeds, legumes, broccoli, soy, tofu and smaller portions. Moderation. Me. What is this world coming to.?

I've returned to food and lay your eyes on my first meal.................................exciting isn't it. My sweet neighbor, Sheila brought me over a little treat today. She brought me a gorgonzola, mushroom stuffed hamburger. I thanked her and recognized her as my favorite drug dealer on the street.



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