Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Colorful Vocabulary, Even Beautiful; Or CV Oh, Oh.

Groak: verb: To stare at longingly.

There are some words out there that make one think, "That can't possibly be a word". Wa is one. Compartmentalize is another. When spoken they hang in the air like an awkward christmas ornament or a beautiful woman with one earring or a plate of spaghetti with one meatball. It's uncomfortable to view and makes you question authority. Recently on the Rachel Ray show, a representitive from Websters' Oxford Collegiate Dictionary let the perky emissary of satan that her impact has been felt (heard) linguistically. RR's locomotion-like performance media domination has had a couple of constant calling cards, her mantra repeated "I'm Rachel Ray and I......" and her incessant use of "EVOO", an abreviation for Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Aside from her tv shows, cookbooks, line of cookware, and her own extra virgin olive oil RR has now distributed language. You bet I'm jealous.

One of Spatagram's missions is to effectively affect language and popularize polarized phrases and vocab words little known. We worship Anomanapia and waltz at the beginning of Ball Season. Little things are important and presentation; everything.

Groak is a little used word that is sometime applied to a dog's presence at the dinner table. They will stare longingly in hopes of being a part of the feeding. It's one part worship and one part begging. Sista Sal opened up a christmas present one holiday to find a fleecy, blackish coat. The color was an awesome charcoal and the weight, perfect. It sat fresh from the holiday package. My eyes went big, my tongue went long and before anyone knew it, I was trying it on. The jacket wasn't even warm to her touch and it was gone. Tjuzed and adored, the coat was mine. Sista Sal dropped her shoulders and said, "Well there that goes". We have a saying in our house, "The first one up's the best dressed', that's straight from Uno (Papa) To say that the power of my groak was enormous would be lacking, it was my grab that was rewarding.

I seem to have a penchant for groaking for clothing, this is not to be confused with burping for clothing which is a drinking game we can get it into at another time. At the restaurant I work in the GM got some swag from a surf company and the PRIZE was a purple courderoy lightweight jacket. The color was royal and the cut handsome. My groak was not ignored as the GM delivered said coat to me the following day. "I don't think I could wear this as well as you". It does look good on me and has fast become a prize in my rags. Sista Sal's coat is not forgotten mind you, it just aging and wearing out in spots. Perish the thought that I would give it up for a local parish clothing drive, or ever part with this prize part of the wardrobe. I'm just spreading the wealth that is my body covering.

The aural of our story today is that groak is a powerful tool in discussion, and not that I'm a clothes whore. Well, maybe it is a little bit both but mostly groak has every right to be used just as much as EVOO. It was a word before, and can even be used with."Groaking for EVOO........" damn I just used rachelslang, I'm such a language whore. Spread around the Anomanapia, the Penchant, the Courderoy, the Tjuz, and especially the Groak. Maybe someone will give you something.



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